Exercise protocols for the promotion of musculoskeletal health

Remotely scored

Democritus University of Thrace


εγγραφές έως 15 Αυγούστου -10% DISCOUNT

E Learning &
Democritus University of Thrace & Gym Athens

Remote learning possibility from all over Greece, Cyprus and Abroad

Become a Pilates Instructor

Educational periods
Modules on each period
ΤΕΦΑΑ Δ.Π.Θ. το 2023
Academic Professors
4 Modules
ενοτήτων Pilates ΚΕ.ΔΙ.ΒΙ.Μ. 2023

Starting Date: 05 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ 2024

With the aknowledgement and prestige of the academic community of the Democritus University of Thrace.

The Center For Lifelong Learning of the Democritus University of Thrace Thrace welcomes you to the educational program entitled "PILATES Exercise protocols for the promotion of musculoskeletal health".

Ability to attend through hybrid system: remotely and physically, combining science with practical application.

The educational academic program consists of 5 επιμέρους στοχευμένες και αυτόνομες ενότητες.

You can choose to attend all or an individual module.

Each one leads to a Certificate of Specialized Training and corresponds to 4.5 ECTS with 129 study hours.

Η επιλογή των 4 πρώτων ενοτήτων ( I – IV) σας οδηγεί σε total certification of the program and gives you the opportunity to:

Obtain comprehensive academic knowledge and accreditation of Pilates training for all levels of learning: basic, intermediate and advanced.

Be informed about the most modern scientific developments of the method.

Successfully meet the needs of the market..

Have immediate professional rehabilitation..

Receive scoring οn ASEP.

By choosing 4 consecutive modules (I -IV), you have the ability extra την 5η ενότητα χωρίς κόστος, ανεξάρτητα από κάθε άλλη προσφορά.

Targeted Audience

The Program is addressed exclusively to Department of PESS graduates from Greece, Cyprus or Abroad.

Scope of the Program

The main goal of the program is to offer trainees a comprehensive education and training in designing a safe and effective implementation of exercise protocols based on the Pilates method.

a) On the ground using little equipment               
b) Using a lot of equipment
c) adapted to musculoskeletal problems, Clinical Pilates
d) suitable for maximizing athletic performance, Athletic Pilates
ε) Ασκήσεις για ειδικές περιπτώσεις

Autonomous Program Modules

The program has a total duration of 9 months.
By attending 4 από τις 5 ενότητες (438 ωρών, 15 ECTS**) the trainee receives a vocational certificate on "PILATES - Protocols for the Promotion of the Health of the Musculoskeletal System".

September- October
4,5 ECTS
129 hours of study
26 hours of synchronous education and training every Saturday
12 hours of asynchronous education and training 
6 hours of live teaching, one Saturday 

350 €

October- November
4,5 ECTS
129 hours of study
22 hours of synchronous education and training, every Sunday
12 hours of asynchronous education and training
10 hours of live teaching, one Sunday 

450 €

January- March
4,5 ECTS
129 hours of study
32 hours of synchronous education and training, every Saturday
12 hours of asynchronous education and training 

450 €

April- June
4,5 ECTS
129 hours of study
32 hours of synchronous education and teaching, every Sunday
12 hours of asynchronous education and training

450 €

November- December
4,5 ECTS
129 hours of study
32 hours of synchronous education and training, every Saturday
12 hours of asynchronous education and training

350 €

Those who choose the complete program of the modules LEVEL I-IV,you can attend the module
LEVEL V at no extra cost.


Asynchronous & Synchronous Distance Learning & Lifelong Learning

- The lectures are conducted by the teacher using video and photographic material presenting similar exercises.

- Synchronous lectures are conducted online through the Microsoft Teams platform. They are conducted at a specific time, where teachers and learners are simultaneously connected to the internet and have the ability to communicate and interact directly.

- Asynchronous lectures are posted on a specific site, e-class-Kedivim. The posted material includes lectures, presentation files, photos, videos and the trainees have access to them for a long time, at hours of their convenience.

- Physical lessons are carried out with the use of the pilates equipment in the facilities of the Department of PESS DUTH in Komotini and in a gym in Athens where the exercises and the teaching methodology of the program are taught.

Full educational support is provided.The trainee can contact his / her specific trainer through an electronic communication system integrated in the platform, for the immediate reply to all questions.


The program is carried out in Greek.

The educational and training material includes the files of the presentations in pdf format, support electronic material and video, for each lecture separately.


After the completion of each thematic module, the trainees are examined with multiple choice questions through the eClass DUTH platform and specifically of the "Exercises" Tool.



10% έκπτωση με προπληρωμή εφάπαξ μέχρι 15/08/2024for the selection of one or more modules.

By attending the first 4 modules the learner can attend the 5η ενότητα χωρίς κόστος.

Cost of the 1st Module: LEVEL I (ασκήσεις εδάφους και με μικρό εξοπλισμό) Pilates instructor LEVEL I (Mat and Props): 350 ευρώ (Καταβολή χρημάτων μέχρι 24/09/2024)

Cost of the 2nd Module: LEVEL II (in Reformer, Cadillac, Spine Corrector, Wunda chair, Barrel) Pilates instructor LEVEL II (in Reformer, Cadillac, Spine Corrector, Wunda chair, Barrel): 450 ευρώ (Καταβολή χρημάτων μέχρι 24/09/2024)

Cost of the 3rd Module: LEVEL III (prevention and management of musculoskeletal problems) Pilates instructor LEVEL III (Clinical Pilates): 450 ευρώ (Προκαταβολή 100 ευρώ μέχρι 24/09/2024 και εξόφληση μέχρι 15/12/2024)

Cost of the 4th Module: Pilates LEVEL IV (for active population) Pilates instructor LEVEL IV (Athletic Pilates): 450 ευρώ (Προκαταβολή 100 ευρώ μέχρι 24/09/2024 και εξόφληση μέχρι 15/12/2024)

Cost of the 5th Module: LEVEL V (για ειδικές περιπτώσεις) Pilates instructor LEVEL V (Special Cases Pilates): 450 ευρώ (Προκαταβολή 100 ευρώ μέχρι 24/09/2024 και εξόφληση μέχρι 15/12/2024)

In case of issuing an invoice, the final cost of each module remains the same (VAT is included in the price).

Σε περίπτωση απρόοπτου κωλύματος παρακολούθησης του σεμιναρίου – ενότητας, προβλέπεται η επιστροφή των χρημάτων, αρκεί αυτό να δηλωθεί ημερολογιακά πριν την έναρξη της συγκεκριμένης ενότητας.

Certificate of Specialization & Scoring

Το συνολικό πρόγραμμα έχει διάρκεια 9 μήνες και 15 ECTS, όπου μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί σε οποιαδήποτε προκήρυξη της οποίας τα κριτήρια αντιστοιχούν στα χαρακτηριστικά του προγράμματος.

There is also the possibility of choosing only one module of the program. In that case, they will receive a certificate of specialized training which corresponds to 4.5 ECTS with 129 hours of study.

Indicatively and not binding, at present, the participants of the program can receive according to the Certificate of Specialized Training:

In general, for matters of possible scoring, those interested should contact the competent bodies or examine the applicable legislation during the period in which they will submit/utilize the Certificate of Specialized Training.

Attendance Requirements

To attend the program, trainees must have:

  1. Internet access
  2. Computer operation
  3. An active email account.

Registration documents


The deposit will be made to the Bank Account

GR98 0172 3520 0053 5209 2260 595 in Piraeus Bank on the grounds

«"IC 70022 το Your Name and Father's Name"»

If the deposit is made from another Bank in the name of the beneficiary you will fill in "Sp. Ac. duth Research Funds".

Το αποδεικτικό της κατάθεσης θα πρέπει να αποσταλεί στο e-mail: pilates.kedivim24.25@gmail.com και θα πρέπει να λάβετε email επιβεβαίωσης της λήψης του. Σε περίπτωση που δεν λάβετε email επιβεβαίωσης επικοινωνήστε τηλεφωνικά στο (+30) 6971781241 με την κα Αγγελική Κάββουρα.

Teaching Staff

Beneka Anastasia

Scientific Director of the program,
Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Malliou Vivian

Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Gioftsidou Asimenia

Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Chatzinikolaou Athanasios

Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH


Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Avloniti Alexandra

Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Pafis Georgios

Special Teaching Staff, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Spasis Apostolos

Special Teaching Staff, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH


Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Daskalaki Katerina

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Genti Maria

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH


Phd Candidate, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH

Protopappa Maria

Phd Candidate, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH


Phd Candidate, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, DUTH




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