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Musculoskeletal disorder prevention exercise

Musculoskeletal conditions are a leading cause of burden and disease across the EU countries. Europe’s ageing population and changes in the lifestyle suggest that without action the burden of these conditions will increase.

Lifting, poor posture and repetitive movements are among the causes of the problem. In addition,

Being overweight or obese isn’t just an aesthetic problem but a condition which not only greatly enhances these musculoskeletal problems but raises the risk for other health problems as well.

Go FIT propose the next types for exercise for musculoskeletal disorders prevention. 

Mobility exercise program for musculoskeletal disorder prevention

It’s exercise for: 

  • Elasticity store and release of energy because hard fascia is not responding to the movement appropriately!
  • Viscosity
  • Plasticity ability to change shape and adjust to movement

Mobility exercise characteristics:

  • Whole body movements
  • Skin and superficial tissues for proprioception improvement, massage and skin movements
  • Train your athletes to think and feel their tissues that are recruited
  • Dynamic elasticity, bouncy sensation, swings, all movements and directions!
  • Exercise pace depended on the goal (warm up or cool down)


  • Whole body movements engaging long myofascial chains is the best way to train fascial system!
  • We need bouncy sensation -play and flow in movements!!! (e.g yoga does that partially because poses are held)

Watch and follow the instructions, in each video, to compose your personal training program with mobility exercises.

Myofacial release for musculoskeletal disorder prevention

Self-myofascial release (SMR): its aims and its effectiveness

SMR is a self-massage technique that derives from the concept of myofascial release. Myofascial release is a whole-body, soft tissue therapy technique which through the application of pressure by the hands of a manual therapist in the myofascial tissues facilitates a stretch into the restricted fascias and elongates and soften the tight connective tissues (Barnes, 1997; Paolini, 2009; Weerapong et al., 2005). By extension, SMR works under the same principles as myofascial release  (MacDonald et al., 2013) and has similar goals but in this case the pressure in the tissues is exerted by the individuals themselves using specialized devices like FRs, roller massagers and various types of small balls. Both techniques aim to treat myofascial restrictions that are due to connective tissue tightening.


As it is proposed by Clark & Lucett (2011), anyone using SMR techniques should follow the same precautionary measures as those established for massage or myofascial release. As it is further advised by the same researchers, SMR should be cautioned or avoided by people with: healing fractures, febrile state, osteoporosis, phlebitis, acute rheumatoid arthritis, advanced diabetes, congestive heart failure, kidney failure or any organ failure (such as the liver and pancreas), contagious skin conditions, cancer (under certain circumstances such treatments should not be applied). For example, sometimes massage, pressure, or tension can damage tissue that is fragile from chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

Daskalaki Katerina & Malliou Paraskevi 

Watch and follow the instructions, in each video, to compose your personal training program with myofascial release exercises.

Water exercise program for musculoskeletal disorder prevention

 Muscles and bones benefit from aquatic exercise due to improved flexibility and improved muscle strength and endurance. Also, range of motion benefits from aquatic exercise because the effects of gravity are lessened and the natural water movement encourages relaxation of muscles. Joints move through a wider range of motion and achieve long-term flexibility. Finally research that shows aquatic exercise can help in bone calcium intake, resulting in the ability to help maintain stronger bones. 

Working out is more fun when you’re splashing around in a pool or in a sea. Aquatic exercises can burn fat because the water is one of the best fitness tools there is. In order to follow a 30 min water exercise program for musculoskeletal disorder prevention you have to select 2  exercises of our categories (they are gradually posted).Execute 5 times each, for 20 rep, fast full range of motion- 15 sec  rest in between.Gradually you can increase your exercise duration including more number of exercises.

Water exercises for upper limbs

Water exercises for lower limbs

Water exercises for body balance control

Water exercises for functionality


“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
