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This site provides tips and  information on exercises but it does not replace professional medical advice. You should consult your physician about your current state of health before beginning any exercise program in order to determine if it is right for your needs. 

EUFIT project promotes physical activity and its importance among people between 25 and 50 years old in the active working ages. The project concentrates on the “sitting diseases caused by sedentary and low activity lifestyle” and how to avoid them. 

Exercise methodology app at office workspace

Jobs entailing the use of a computer or tablet often expose workers to awkward and sustained postures as well as repetitive motions of the upper extremities, which have been established as causes of work-related shoulder and neck pain.  In particular, office workers suffering from neck pain usually demonstrate excessive and prolonged deep flexors muscle activity of the head while at the same time their range of motion at the neck joint is limited. They may also exhibit altered postural behaviors such as drift in and out of scapular protraction associated with different muscle activation in the diverse trapezius band, producing mechanical stresses and pain on sensitive cervicobrachial structures .

In order to prevent all these problems it is proposed a simple exercise methodology app that can be performed by anyone at office workspace with not require any special equipment.

Advantages of the exercise methodology app.

Office workers can make use of this protocol while sitting or standing without drawing attention to their workout! 

Office clothes are perfectly suitable for this protocol. (e.g. a tie, a skirt or a suit should not dissuade anyone from adhering to the program). 

The exercises are easy to execute.

Main points to remember:

  1. Head-repositioning of the office worker is critical to prevent or cope with the symptoms of chronic neck pain.
  2. The exercise program suggested can be used by office workers easily and effectively every two or three hours while in the workplace.
  3. An important factor as to the effectiveness of the exercise is to maintain proper upper body standing position while exercising: come to a posterior pelvis tilt, bring your shoulders in contact with the wall, tuck your chin and lift your head, breathe normally.
  4. The frequent use of this exercise program prepares the office worker to adopt the appropriate sitting position while working.
  5. Improving proprioception ability (sitting on the ball) while working.

Goals of the exercise protocol- Types of exercise:





Exercise methodology protocol

Frequency: every 2-3 hours in the workplace.

Choose 2 Mobility exercises (2 repetitions),

Choose 2 Stretching exercises (2 repetitions),

Choose 2 Strengthening exercises (2 repetitions),

Choose one Functional exercises (2 repetitions),


Mobility exercises


This site provides tips and  information on exercises but it does not replace professional medical advice. You should consult your physician about your current state of health before beginning any exercise program in order to determine if it is right for your needs. 

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Stretching exercises

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Strengthening exercises

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Functional exercises

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“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”


This site provides tips and  information on exercises but it does not replace professional medical advice. You should consult your physician about your current state of health before beginning any exercise program in order to determine if it is right for your needs. 
