In the HEALTHY program two major learning/teaching activities will be carried out: the JSTE that will be held in UPM (Spain)and the blended HEALTHY course that will be held in EUC (Cyprus)(ISP part).
Τhe HEALTHY project is based on the transdisciplinary approach and its aim is to design and to apply a program for pupils that will give them the opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle, starting from their schools, through physical education activities, while it will familiarize them with the European and ancient Greek culture through their participation in Greek ancient games and traditional European exercise games.
The creation of this project was motivated by the fact that a considerable proportion of children in many European countries do not meet recommended levels of physical activity and they are engaged in sedentary behavior. A sedentary life-style during childhood is a risk factor for future adult overweight, obesity and chronic conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and various forms of cancer (WΗΟ), health risks that make imperative the implementation of preventive health measures for this population group. WHO’s report (HBSC 2009/2010) strongly supports that schooling can help children engage in healthy behaviours of more active ways of living, targeting healthy youth and future healthy adults.
On the other hand, the ancient Greek civilization, as regards physical exercise and sport and their benefits, constitutes for health a valuable world heritage which must be conserved.
The main goal of the partnership addresses the need to develop a new learning program focused not only on transforming “ideas into action” –in line with Europe 2020 recommendations– but also on raising awareness of the importance of Europe’s cultural heritage through education. At the same time, the nature of the program suggested, through the combination of different disciplines (exercise, counseling, health, history and culture) and the collaboration of scientists of different fields, could act as a catalyst for the professional development of all the participants.
Under this prism, partners from different countries with transdisciplinary approach were selected:
UOS’s (UK) academic staff, with knowledge in counseling on healthy lifestyles.
DUTH’s HEI’s staff (GREECE), with knowledge and skills in pedagogy & multicultural education in primary and elementary school, expertise in prevention of kinetic system’s discomforts through exercise programs and knowledge in history and culture (ancient Greek games).
UPM HEI’s staff (SPAIN), with knowledge and skills in physical education exercise programs and knowledge in history and culture (European and Spanish traditional games).
EUC HEI’s staff (CYPRUS), with knowledge in prevention of chronic diseases of children.
Greek and Cypriot schools, with students of different multicultural backgrounds and different facilities, to apply the pilot of the HEALTHY project.
Ο1: Specification of Needs- Targeted interviews conducted in schools- Summary report
This output will include short summary reports (Greek and Cypriot reports) that will be produced by DUTH and EUC and will be based on the findings provided by the interviews conducted to target groups (students, PE teachers and TS) which will specify the needs in physical education classes and school excursions.
O2/ C1: (Joint Staff Training Event – “TRAIN THE TRAINERS” & Proceedings) This output includes the curriculum design, the basic principles, the methodology and the delivering of the Joint Staff Training Event (JSTE) & the “TRAIN THE TRAINERS – Proceedings”.
O3/ C2: Development of HEALTHY learning materials This output includes the development of blended HEALTHY’s course modules and other learning material required for the blended study program.
O4: HEALTHY platform material, web platform & the multimedia application development In this output the open HEALTHY web platform and multimedia application (including the website of the program) will be developed.
O5: HEALTHY pilot application- Adaptation of the open HEALTHY web platform & its multimedia application.
O6: Dissemination tools and activities (ALL PARTNERS)
Specifically during the activities of the project:
A well organized dissemination strategy will foster communication with the target audiences.
Overall, more than 500 people are expected to participate in the HEALTHY events (estimation: 60% PE teachers and TS, 20% exercise and health experts, 10% policy and decision makers and 10% other), 3.000 users are expected to visit the project’s web platform, the HEALTHY learning materials will be lectured by more than 600 exercise science students who will watch/download the instructional videos, while almost 500 students of Physical Education and Sports Science will download the HEALTHY learning material.
Partners will present the program in professional magazines, local radio stations, newspapers and in several News websites. A facebook HEALTHY page will be developed.
“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”