BASKET Adaptations for ǎLL
The main goal of the project The BasketALL (BASKETball Adaptation for All) project is to promote and develop cooperation in Wheelchair Basketball for all, not just athletes, between EU institutions, Member States and sport stakeholders, focusing on the above-mentioned activities (training, tournament, dissemination) which have a clear EU added value. This innovative methodology includes digital literacy seminars, Train the trainers training event and pilot courses. All educational material which will be created as part of this project will be featured on the BASKETALL platform, with exercise and adaptation protocols specifically designed for people with disabilities who are not athletes. This platform will house all educational materials for trainers and trainees and present a comprehensive training Basket for all program, aiming at inclusion within the inclusion. Therefore, our project provides European added value to a great extent, since it will have huge impact and interest in the EU area, individuals (youths, athletes, coaches, physical education teachers, learners, staff and other interested people), Sports Clubs or other groups. They will be working together to generate results that would be difficult to attain by the partners acting without European cooperation. Consequently, by using sport, and especially wheelchair basketball, we will cooperate for the promotion of EU values and inclusion
Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.